Crime Stoppers is an organization that provides a means by which the general public, young or old, can get useful information regarding criminal activity into the hands of law enforcement personnel. This system works for several reasons.
First of all, when citizens like you can submit a tip online - P3Tips.com or call the Crime Stoppers Hotline - (608) 269-STOP or (608) 372-STOP, you can remain anonymous.
Secondly, the information you have could be critical in solving the case.
You could be the only one that got the make, color, or the license number of a vehicle involved.
The information could be the house number that people entered suspiciously.
Perhaps you overheard a conversation in a restaurant or other place of business that exposes names or details of a crime that has or is about to take place.
In addition, cash, yes cash, rewards of up to $1,000 are paid for information that leads to the arrest and charges filed against criminals involved.
Do you have information about a crime?
Provide it anonymously and receive up to $1,000 for a tip that leads to an arrest and indictment.

How Does It Work?
Submit a Tip online or call our Tip hotline. The specially trained person that takes your call will assign a code number to you.
Once the appropriate law enforcement agency has investigated the crime using your valuable information, it’s that confidential code number, not your name, that enables you to claim your reward.

How is it Funded?
Monroe County Crime Stoppers is a nonprofit organization and is funded entirely through donations.
A Board of Directors, comprised of volunteer citizens from various parts of the county, is responsible for establishing policies, overseeing the amount of reward payments, and the proper management of all donated funds.

What does Anonymous mean?
We will never ask for your name.
We will not record your call.
We do not trace phone numbers or tips submitted online.
You will not have to make a statement to police.
You will not appear in court.